LSS Missouri-Lean Six Sigma Black Belt

Missouri Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Training and Certification

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Every Lean Six Sigma expert within a team that is implementing the methodology for a company is important and crucial, but without a leader and coach, things can go in the wrong direction, which is why black belt experts play such an important role. Depending on the level of expertise of a person or professional in LSS, he or she will fulfill different roles and take care of other tasks that help to achieve the 6 Sigma objectives.

In the case of black belts, being the leaders, coaches, mentors, teachers, and supervisors is a lot of work but something they are able to do only. Other belts like yellow and green cannot handle the main tasks of using the right tools, identify problems, their root causes and finding solutions, creating new strategies, and more leadership roles and tasks.

LSS Missouri-Lean Six Sigma Black Belt

To be able to reach this level of capabilities and deal with everything in a black belt expert’s hands, a full understanding of the methodology, its tools, and philosophies must be achieved through proper training. Here at Lean Six Sigma Experts of Missouri, we offer black belt training to any resident and professional in the state. We make sure to cover all the main but also add other topics that will create the perfect profile of a black belt expert. And the best part when getting access to this training with us is that you can choose it to be an in-person or online course.

Why Lean Six Sigma Black Belt is Important?

Besides the previous reasons of having a leader in the team—to begin with,—black belts are the ones that truly handle the entire implementation. Not every task nor problem, but without their approval and knowledge, other experts in the team can’t make well-informed and accurate decisions. Any organization that aims to implement the methodology needs to focus on finding a black belt consultant before anything else. Or training an employee that is able to take all the roles that come with it in the future.

Otherwise, green and yellow belts will not be able to even start the projects they are supposed to handle as a team and it will lead to a waste of time and resources for the company. With that said, do you have any plans on implementing Six Sigma? Or, are you interested in the black belt as a personal goal? For individuals, the black belt is not important in the same way. Anyone getting trained wants more career options, opportunities to develop valuable skills, and even access an excellent salary.

In short, the person wants to boost his or her career and have better conditions overall, which is a great reason to decide to go for a black belt. Now, what does this have to do with how important and relevant it is? Simple, each belt level in Lean Six Sigma shares benefits with the others, but all of them come with additional ones that are only for the belt in specific. A black belt remarks your opportunities in going for leadership roles and growing as a great professional.
LSS Missouri-Lean Six Sigma Certification

What Do You Learn During Black Belt Training?

Although other belts in the methodology cover different topics like the basics about Sigma, concepts, principles, and terminology, the black belt usually includes all of them. A full understanding of LSS needs to be achieved in order for this expert to be ready to lead and coach an entire team. Therefore, knowing the basics to heart and understanding while also interpreting every topic and element of Sigma will be crucial.

This means that you can expect black belt training to be a complete course about the methodology, from the basics to the most advanced aspects. However, it is true that the focus on the initial topics is not compared to a yellow or green belt. To be more specific, a yellow belt—for example—has an emphasis on the principles of Sigma but a black belt training program will not go too deep into that. Instead, the main focus will be to develop problem-solving skills, leadership, decision-making, all Six Sigma tools, and know-how to obtain results.

Using the DMAIC model and other methods included in LSS will also be a great deal during the training since they are essential to managing any project within a company. Finally, something to consider is that not all Lean Six Sigma training options are built the same. Some topics might not be included in a company’s program but in another organization, they might be. In our case, we do have a focus on developing skills and concentrate on the advanced elements.

But we do not ignore the need of reviewing the basics again since a yellow or green belt training before a black one is a usual procedure. With that said, expect our black belt course to teach you:

  • How to be a leader.
  • All LSS tools.
  • Problem-solving skills.
  • Leadership skills.
  • How to reduce variations.
  • How to reduce waste.
  • How to ultimately improve processes.
  • DMAIC, Lean principles and steps, and other models and practices.
  • Risk mitigation.
  • Control charts.
  • Customer requirements.
  • Address needs and objectives of the company in all areas.
LSS Missouri-Lean Six Sigma Consulting

Who Can Get Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Certification?

Anyone who completes a training program and passes the international exam can opt for the certification. Finding the company or organization that can issue it is the main focus in all this. However, we want to add that certifications are not for companies but rather individuals only since those are the ones completing training. Also, it is important to note that anyone can access black belt training and thus, the certification later on.

This means that literally any person can get certified as long as he or she has completed proper training in our company. Lean Six Sigma Experts of Missouri will always have their doors open to receive you and offer the complete service: black belt training, exam, and certification. Just let us know when and where you want to start and if you are looking for other services to cover your needs.

There are so many areas or regions where we offer these services with most of them being cities.

However, if you need any of these services, you need to contact us. The list below comprises the areas where we offer these services.